Protect the interior of your car to preserve that new car look and feel!
There’s nothing worse than getting into your car and helplessly watching it wear out day by day. From usage and storage, the various materials inside your car can crack, fade and become discloured. We can preserve the look and feel of your interior surfaces to prevent and slow down damage to these materials.
Protection from environmetal and physical damage are not the only thing our interior protection coatings offer. All our products are formulated with BioCote® Antimicrobial technology. Treated surfaces become inhospitable to microbes and is scientifcally proven to kill 99% of germs and bacteria.
How does BioCote® Antimicrobial technology work? Protected surfaces will negatively affect bacteria that contaminate the surface through:
Protein damage
Cell membrane damage
Oxidative damage
DNA interference
To ensure your interior surfaces stay looking great and creating a safe and hygenic space for you and your family, protect your interior with our complete range of coatings!